Privacidade e legais avisos
Privacy Policy and Legal mentions
SCARYBIRD Sarl appreciates your interest in our products and thank you for your visit on our website
This Statement of Privacy and legal notice applies to the entire website.
1. Trademark
Unless otherwise noted, trademarks, logos and corporate emblems, such as the symbol shown below, appearing on this website are governed by trademark rights.

2. Comments, questions or suggestions
Please note that any information, unsolicited suggestions, ideas or other submissions will be deemed non-confidential and will not create any rights in your favor. By submitting such information, you grant Sarl SCARYBIRD unrestricted, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, and display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute. You also acknowledge that SCARYBIRD Sarl is free to use any ideas, concepts, techniques or know-how contained in any communication you send to us for any purpose.
3. SCARYBIRD Company
SCARYBIRD is a limited company with capital of € 10,000, whose registered office is at 43300 Le Pinet Saint Berain France. Sarl SCARYBIRD is registered in le Puy en Velay (France) under registration number 799 093 364
Phone: +33 (0) 4 58 00 20 69
EU VAT: FR 85 799093364
Registration Number: 799 093 364 00013
Founder and Manager of SCARYBIRD Sarl: Sebastien LEBRE
Hosting: HARKO, 12 rue de l’Oise, 95630 Mériél, France – 0806 11 00 81 –
4. Intellectual Property
The content of this website is the property of SCARYBIRD Sarl and / or its licensor.
The information on this website including, but not limited to, all text, diagrams, images and audio tapes, must not, except for strictly private or otherwise, be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or stored without prior written permission of SCARYBIRD Sarl. It is strictly prohibited to modify the content of this website.
Parts of this site contain images protected by copyright for the benefit of their providers.
5. Information and Responsibilities
The information on this Web site is provided as is. SCARYBIRD Sarl cannot be held responsible for any third party for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of the website or any other website accessible by hyperlinks from this website including, but not limited to any financial or commercial damage and loss of programs or data in your information management system.
The Company SCARYBIRD Sarl provides no warranties or representations of any kind on any other web site which you may access through this site. These warranties and / or representations are provided only as a convenience and do not in any way that company SCARYBIRD Sarl endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of these other websites.
The information in this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
The information in this website may be changed at any time without prior notice or obligation of any kind.
The information on this website may contain references or cross references to products, services that are not announced or available in your country. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Such references do not imply that the company SCARYBIRD Sarl intends to announce such products, services, etc. in your country. For further information on products, services, etc. available or to place an order, contact your local dealer.
For the purpose of changing its range of products and accuracy of the information provided, SCARYBIRD reserves the right to modify the technical specifications of its products without notice.
6. Personal data
This website may contain links to websites not belonging to SCARYBIRD Sarl. The Company SCARYBIRD Sarl is not responsible for the privacy policies of those sites.
SCARYBIRD Sarl may collect personal data (registration to mailing lists, for example). Only SCARYBIRD Sarl is addressed to the data. They will not be transferred, sold or exchanged with third parties. The gathered information is subject to a treatment designed to keep you informed of news related to our company and our products. The data recipients are: SCARYBIRD.
According to the French law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning your data, that you can request by sending your request by:
E-mail: contact[@]
postal mail:
Le Pinet 43300 Saint Berain France
You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data.
Copyright 2013 SCARYBIRD
Last updated legal information: February 2015